SAC Development Questionnaire
From Renee Sawazaki, Faculty of Contemporary Cultures
First of all, I would like to thank all of you who have already contributed so much to my efforts to research SACs and develop one at
One colleague, Prof. Yayoi Tanaka and I, are currently working on applying for a Gendai GP grant which would help deter the cost of hiring dedicated staff. In the event that we do not get it, we have to continue our appeal to our university for funding. We also plan to co-author a paper for Surugadai’s journal in Japanese to help educate our faculty on the benefits of a SAC and what is necessary to run one properly. Many of you have given me the advice that this step is crucial. Unfortunately, all of my appeals thus far have been in English. No faculty member up till now would help with the translation. In the paper, I will summarize information I gathered from my visits to Kanda Gaidai and Gaigo Gakuin,
Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
Q1: Please describe your SAC (The name, when and how it was founded, what kind of facilities, materials, services, programs, staffing, etc.)
Q2: What were the challenges faced in creating your SAC? How were they overcome?
In addition, please address any of the following challenges:
Q2.1 Creating understanding within the administration.
Q2.2 Creating understanding amongst faculty and receiving help
Q2.3 Language barriers (if non-Japanese were/are involved in the process and are not capable of reading and writing in Japanese)
Q2.4 Getting funding (from university, grants, other)
Q2.5 Getting staff and help (secretarial, educational, committee, volunteers, etc.)
Q3: What are your SACs greatest strengths?
Q4: What are your SACs greatest weaknesses?
Q5: What would you like to see done in the future to improve your SAC?
Q6: If you were writing a paper for or appeal to your institution with the aim of creating understanding for SACs and receiving support, what information, resources, etc. would you definitely include?
Q7: Are you able to follow up this questionnaire with a phone interview? If so, please let me know your preferred method of contact, and possible dates and times.
Thank you and cheers to the implementation and improvement of SACs!!