Dear colleagues,
This is the FINAL call for papers for the upcoming advising event at Kanda University of International Studies in Japan. The deadline for proposals has been extended to JULY 4th. Please note that presenters may also submit a “virtual presentation” proposal. We would be grateful if you could circulate this call.
Best wishes,
Jo Mynard (Convener - on behalf of the organising committee)
Final call for papers: “Advising for language learner autonomy” event in Japan
Event: “Advising for language learner autonomy” conference
Organiser: IATEFL Learner Autonomy SIG
When: Saturday November 12th, 2011 (also tours of two self-access centres on 11th November)
Where: Kanda University of International Studies, Chiba, Japan
More information:
Theme: Advising for language learner autonomy
1. Training and professional development for learning advisors or peer advisors
2. Research and practice in advising
3. Peer advising
4. Advising tools
5. The dialogue and discourse of advising
6. Context-related issues in advising
Marina Mozzon-McPherson, University of Hull, UK (plenary)
Lucy Cooker, University of Birmingham, UK (opening remarks)
Christopher Candlin, Macquarie University, Australia (closing session)
Types of presentations:
· Paper presentation: 40 minutes
· Workshop: 60 minutes
· Poster: 90 minutes
· Virtual presentation (for presenters who cannot attend in person)
(Extended) deadline for proposals: July 4th, 2011
Grants: Two grants of 40,000 yen from JALT Learner Development SIG.
Conference proceedings: Special issue of Studies in Self-Access Learning (SiSAL) Journal
More details: /