Tuesday, April 22, 2008

In our time: what is a good self-access facility?

Hi everyone

In the UK, the University of Nottingham's Centre for English Language Teaching is setting up a new self-access centre, and I know that a team headed by Caleb Foale from Kanda University of International Studies is currently setting up a new SALC too, at Hiroshima Bunkyo Women's University, and that Garold has a new ILC up at Akita International University. This has made me think: what, these days, makes a good self-access facility? For example, is it having good levels of staffing (both advisors and administrators) in the centre? A good range of materials? A technology-rich environment? Authentic, interactivity-rich materials? A friendly ambience?

Do you think, in light of the previous entry about Clarity's newsletter and the slow death of self-access, that there are any traditional facets of self-access facilities which are no longer relevant to language learners?
